Workflow With Id = fe31a1bb-949e-e511-80c3-0050569c18ec Does Not Exist

Similar to some of my previous blog articles, there can be some leftovers which limit you in removing a solution from your organization. This article helps you in determining the cause of the error when you face the following error.

ErrorCode: -2147220969
Message: Workflow With Id = fe31a1bb-949e-e511-80c3-0050569c18ec Does Not Exist.

Most likely there is a process, not necessarily a workflow, which hasn't been removed completely. The following query will help you identify which process is causing the error:

select label from LocalizedLabel where objectid = 'fe31a1bb-949e-e511-80c3-0050569c18ec'

Obviously you'll need to replace the objected with the guid from the error message.

Once you have found the culprit, then you can try to remove the process by using the CRM UI:

- Go to advanced find
- Select the entity 'processes'
- Remove the default query
- Select 'name equals' and paste the name that you retrieved from SQL
- Remove the returned records from CRM

You will want to avoid removing records from the database as much as possible as this generally causes more errors instead of solving them.

Note: I have found this problem to occur in CRM 2015 update 0.1, this might be fixed in CRM 2016.

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